Welcome to The Women Buskers Project...
The Women Buskers Project is a series of interviews/articles featuring women buskers. The interviewer/author of this series, Kirsten Anderberg, has been a busker for over 30 years. The articles are organized with the same questions being posed to all women buskers first, then their answers follow each question. Each article includes interviews with 2 or more women. This organization allows the reader the most thorough means of comparison between the women's answers. There is so little documentation of women buskers' lives. Throughout history, it is a void. I offer this continuing series of women busker interviews/articles to try to at least leave a record of contemporary women street performers for future generations to enjoy.
WOMEN BUSKER PROJECT INTERVIEWS #1: The women buskers interviewed in this article are Maya Fink from Sweden, Linsey Lindberg from the U.S., and Sylvia Sir Shiva from Croatia, Šibenik
WOMEN BUSKER PROJECT INTERVIEWS #2: Seattle Busker Women - The women interviewed in this article are Yva Las Vegass, Pamela Suzanne Burdwell, and Christine Gunn
WOMEN BUSKER PROJECT INTERVIEWS #3: The women buskers interviewed in this article are Kathleen Winters and Mariide Widman, both from the Seattle area...
WOMEN BUSKER PROJECT INTERVIEWS #4: The women buskers interviewed in this article are Natalia "Saw Lady" Paruz and Abby the Spoon Lady, both from the East Coast, USA...
A "busker" is a street performer
A "pitch" is a place on the street where a busker performs
"Bottling" is "passing the hat" for tips from the audience
"Gig" is a paid (usually) engagement, where you show up at a certain time/place