Spider Spider's Web Spider

The Virus Story

There are ancient giant viruses that are essential for the ocean’s ecology and can be seen using a small lens. Some have postulated that giant viruses were responsible for creating the first living cells on Earth. There are bacteriophages that are viruses that attack bacteria. They are specific to each strain of bacteria. They can be isolated, seen in micrographs, and sequenced for their entire genome.

Then there is a theoretical in silico representation of a pathological infectious self-replicating agent called a virus. This type of virus cannot be isolated by any technique from an in vivo sample. It can only be “isolated” using a unique technique especially developed for identifying viruses. This virus cannot be fully sequenced using the Sanger nor the Maxam-Gilbert method for sequencing. Its genome can only be constructed using a computer algorithm.


Louis Pasteur in the mid 19th century postulated that viruses were the cause of disease. This never caught on as it required a belief in something that could not be seen. In the early 20th century J.D. Rockefeller, who was in control of medical schools and medical institutions was able to push this theory into all the medical institutions. The plan to use medicines to cure disease fit well in this idea of an invisible agent of disease. All it needed was a claim of infection and media complicity; an incestuous relationship that exist to the present day. No main stream media would ever challenge the claims of virus infection. No, they are the cheerleaders to continue the deception.


Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test was a constant critic of Anthony Fauci using this test to determine infection. Until his untimely death in 2019, he spoke out about the misuse of the PCR test. The current PCR procedure tests for a computer generated genomic sequence that has no meaning in the real world.


There is no pandemic. There is no increase in all caused deaths in 2020. Covid-19 was not the bio-weapon; the vaccines are. 2021 all caused deaths increased by 40% according to the insurance industry. If the Covid fear porn does not last, there’s always Monkey Pox or Marburg; just need a compliant media.


Do not comply. Do not be tested. Do not get jabbed. Do not spread the deception. Do not drop your guard. This is not over.

spider 7/6/2022