Anti-Imperialist Food

By Kyle Robert


A life lived in the pursuit of peace can sustain every friend and every family member, surrounding them with the strength and support that we need to make it through the days. No matter the struggle of humanity one is concerned with, be it womyn’s rights, anti-imperialism or gay rights, everyone needs a helping hand and someone to love, because we are just that, human. Another essential part of life that connects every person and every animal in the world is our food. The anarchists, the single mothers, the grandparents who have distaste for government structure or the politicians clinging to their quest for power are all likely to agree that they want their food supply to be safe for consumption. The fact that everyone needs safe food, no matter their background, can serve as a means to connect every struggle for social justice in the world.
In a place like Vancouver we can see that companies enforcing the use of genetically modified foods stand above the city blocks surrounding us the people. The fact that businesses such as Monsanto are selling terminating seeds, that don’t reproduce themselves, to villages in India and other third world communities and the truth that there is a homogenization of once diverse seed strains taking place at the hands of Monsanto is enough to make me wonder, can we really trust these people when they tell us that modifying foods genetically is safe? It is coming down to the need for the people, in imperial nations who house companies such as Novartis, Agrevo and Monsanto, to stand up to these businesses and those who control them with boycotts, protests in the streets and education about genetically modified foods. The world’s food supply should be celebrated, cherished, protected and enjoyed by every person and creature in the world and will be if we stand up to imperialist companies now, for our right to safe food. It is imperialist businesses such as those listed above who are threatening the hope for a future where compassion and cultural diversity come before what has been called ‘the poison of revenue.’ Community gardens and organic companies who keep prices low are all a starting point for making safe food available for everyone. There are a lot of products for sale today that do not benefit humanity in any way and it’s my belief that this production is simply a way for the wealthy, power hungry companies of the world to occupy consumers and to enslave producers and workers at all levels. This ensures that the temporary materialism in the lives of the ruling class is handed down from generation to generation. The outrage of the masses of workers who have been lied to about how safe the world’s food supply is and about how free our lives are under wage slavery transcend any ruling class prospects of human greed with a burning desire for a better world. If every food company out there, no matter how small or how big, can make the desperate need for organic seeds apparent to themselves and to the rest of us; and if they can protect the organic seeds they have, then everyone will benefit. This can only happen if each one of us from every social struggle and every angle of outrage and concern can support one another in the search for a safe global food supply and the defense of a culturally diverse world. Teach-ins, such as the Envisioning Peoples Struggles Conference that took place during June of 2005 in Vancouver are amazing ways to connect our struggles. Also, protests in the streets and boycotts of multi-national companies who support unsafe and oppressive food market practices are needed in a big way right now for us to educate ourselves.
It is of great importance for the peoples engaged in the struggle for environmental protection and safe food to recognize and utilize the connection of class struggle that is intertwined in the destruction of the environment by companies and nation states that perpetuate class war, and to confront racism within environmental movements. Racism is intertwined with environmental destruction. In America, the decimation of the vast land that was once thriving and wide came at the hands of the upper class, beginning with European colonization and the racism that exists during the settlement of Europeans in North America. If we look to a quote by Red Cloud, Chief of the Oglala Sioux, we can hear the reality of the dominating class and their followers in the United States and in lands exploited around the globe, “They made many promises, more than I can remember, but they never kept but one; they promised to take our land, and they took it.” And today, land is still being taken in the interests of profit at the expense of the environment, in North America, in Haiti, Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan and many more places around the world by the global elite and by fascist states who really do not care about the livelihood of anyone outside of their parliament, white houses, estates and palaces. It is because of capitalism and class struggle that organic food is so hard to come by at cheap prices, because the multi-national food companies are run by the rich white upper class who are friends of imperial government and who would rather stay as rich as possible than make safe food available to everyone. The fascism of the upper class of nation states the world over must be confronted by the movement for environmental and social justice in the world, and it is this movement that must be united if the world in the future will be a place where we can truly enjoy the nature that we are all interconnected with, and therefore the nature which connects us to one another.
The sun, and the food which it gives life to, are at the centre of our existence and need to be celebrated and protected. Every struggle for social justice revolves around our desire for a better world and it’s my hope that environmental protection can serve as a way to connect all of our avenues, leading to an earth where peace and diverse cultures thrive and are protected.


Kyle Robert is a youth from Burnaby who has had his eyes opened by authors such as Bakunin, Charles Bukowski and Michael Albert and vows to stand against fascism in all its forms.




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