A community is a group of people who have something in common, such as living in the same area, experiencing the same problems of capitalist society, or not being millionaires. An insurrection is a revolt against established authority. Authority does not become legitimate merely by existing. If the communities in which it operates come to believe that it is illegitimate, then it has no further right to exist.

This subversive rag is intended to encourage exactly that outcome: to disrupt, undermine, and discredit the legitimacy of the capitalist economic system and the state authority that defends it. Insurrection against illegitimate authority begins in the consciousness of the communities which are oppressed and exploited by it.

So far, two issues of this irresponsible and inflammatory magazine have been published. They can be picked up at various places around Vancouver, downloaded from below and printed, or individual articles can be read online. Submissions for the third issue are now being accepted.





  • Contents of issue two, click to read.

Interview with Zailda Chan

When War Arrived  ~ Oswaldo Perez Cabrera

Time is Up for the Minutemen!  ~No One is Illegal

A Look at the Anti-Poverty Committee

Vancouver y las soledades de los exilios existentes e imaginarios.  ~Oswaldo Perez Cabrera

Anti-Imperialist Food  ~Kyle Robert

“Killer Coke” Struggle Comes to Vancouver  ~Chinmoy Banerjee

Reflections on Canadian culture  ~ashlee christoffersen





  • Contents of issue one, click to read.


Introduction  ~ Ian B

Untitled 2005  ~alexis wellwood

What’s Anti-Imperialism?  ~Macdonald Stainsby

A Look at the ILPS  ~Barbara Waldern

Because I want peace  ~Claribel Alegría

The American way of death  ~Claribel Alegría

Our Blood, Skin and Bones  ~Ms. AKA

We Who are Poor  ~raven taylor





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Community Insurrection

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