
We, the Anticapitalist Community Forum, have come together to collectively oppose capitalism. Our purposes are to provide support and neutral ground to individuals and groups working within this mandate, welcome newcomers to collective political action, provide a forum for critical discussion and debate within this mandate, facilitate communication and skills-sharing and to unite people across differences in building a more inclusive anti-capitalist community.



We condemn white supremacy, patriarchy, imperialism and colonialism, oppression of the poor by the rich, enforced heterosexuality, wage slavery, environmental destruction and all other forms of structural oppression, domination and exploitation. Thus we do not tolerate manifestations of the above, including racism, sexism, poor-bashing, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, age discrimination, discrimination against immigrants or any other form of oppression or disrespect of difference. We recognize that capitalism and neoliberalism enforce and perpetuate the above. We aim to be open and accessible to all people who oppose the capitalist system, and to provide a space that strives to counter oppressive power dynamics, to empower historically marginalized groups, and to reaffirm the dignity of all persons. In keeping with the above, we do not recognize the legitimacy of nation-states, and in particular those, including the Canadian state, which stand on violently appropriated land.



We recognize the importance of creativity and community-building in developing alternatives which stand outside of the capitalist system and in strengthening the anti-capitalist movement; as such, we aim to support artists and others creatively opposing capitalism and to provide not only a political, but a social and cultural space. We believe that every process is a creative process and aim to be inclusive. We are a self–critical, democratic organization that works within the principles of consensus decision-making.



We believe that creating a just future is a process that must start today if we are to be successful. We support a diversity of tactics in building alternatives to the capitalist system in the face of opposing forces; we also support a diversity of tactics among people who support our principles of justice in countering those forces. We strive for the self-determination of individuals and communities, and support resistance of internal power dynamics. We envision a world free from divisive national borders. We have every intention of being successful in our struggle.




About the ACF

Our Basis of Unity

Community Insurrection

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