The anticapitalist community forum publishes the magazine Community InsurrectionCommunity Insurrection is an exciting new addition to Vancouver print media.  It is a grassroots, community-focused, explicitly political publication, and a tool for the sharing of analysis, ideas, experiences and information among people and grassroots groups in the community, including those working on mobilization, education and resistance within their communities. The magazine opens up a print media space for people to communicate, make connections between struggles & express resistance creatively in an explicitly anti-capitalist forum. Community Insurrection prioritizes perspectives from exploited and oppressed communities which are often not heard in other media, even that which claims to be “alternative”. We hope the magazine will be engaging for both activists and people who are beginning to develop their own political analyses of their experiences.  To get involved with distribution, to request copies for an organization you’re involved with, or to give us feedback, please contact the ACF zine collective.  To make the next issue happen we would greatly appreciate both monetary and in-kind (i.e. printing/ photocopying) donations.  Each magazine costs about $1 to print, so even a small donation of $5-$10 makes a big difference.


The Anticapitalist Community Forum came together early in 2004, under the name “Vancouver Area Anticapitalist Convergence”, to create a community space for people to share experiences, analysis and debate about issues surrounding social justice in an explicitly anti-capitalist setting.  The forum was intended as a means of sharing skills, ideas and information among interested people, and the hope was that such a forum would allow for further interaction and better communication amongst groups and organizations already involved in struggle. Increased space for interaction, it was believed, would help facilitate the growth of larger projects and campaigns as well as inspire the further development of anti-capitalist communities in the  lower mainland and coast salish territories. With this in mind, we held five community forums over the course of several months in 2004.  Participants spent many hours developing the basis of unity you will find on our website.  This magazine was one of the many ideas and projects that arose from discussions in the forum. The vision for the magazine was that it would act as a paper version of that physical space and reinforce the principles and ideas arising from anti-capitalist communities and organizing.  





About the ACF

Our Basis of Unity

Community Insurrection

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