Dear Community Members,

The ACF Zine working group is now taking submissions for the next issue of our magazine entitled “Community Insurrection”, and we would like you to be involved. Would you like to express your experiences, stories, rage, analysis, debates, ideas for action, and general resistance to capitalism in a publishable medium?

We are looking for:
- Articles and essays
- Short fiction and poetry
- Comics, photographs, and graphic art

We are looking for submissions that expose capitalism, offer alternatives, are topical, and are relevant to contemporary life in Vancouver. We encourage submissions in any language.

All submissions will be considered, but preference will be given to submissions from people whose voices often go unheard; that is, aboriginal people, people of colour, working class people, women, people with disabilities, queer folk, combinations of the above, and others.

If you are part of an organization and would like to promote that organization through the magazine please let us know. This could be an advertisement for the organization’s activities, a listing in our community directory, or an article focusing on that organization’s work.

Community Insurrection hopes to share the skills, ideas, and information of individuals and groups in the community, as well as open up a publishable space for people to communicate in an explicitly anti-capitalist forum. We hope the magazine will be engaging for both activists and people who are beginning to develop their own political analyses of their experiences.

If you would like to be part of the ACF Zine Working Group, please send us an email and we’ll provide more info. There are many different ways to get involved.

Submissions can be made by one of two ways, email or regular mail to the below addresses.

The deadline for submissions is May 1 2006. Issue three will be published shortly thereafter.

Email: acf-van(AT)
Mail: Box 157, 345 East Broadway, Vancouver, BC, V5T 1W5




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Community Insurrection

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